
We are husband and wife sailors adventuring around the world in our 50 ft sailboat. We had loads of experience fixing and sailing boats until we found our dream boat, a 1986 Hudson Force 50. Want to know how to get started as newbie/want-to-be sailors, including engine and other system repairs, buying your first boat, or outfitting your boat. That's what we're here to help you with.

Lighthouse navigation for sailboats

Basic Navigation Guide for Sailboats in the United States: Navigate Your Way to Success!

Don’t get lost at sea! Learn the basics of nav­i­ga­tion for sail­boats in the Unit­ed States! Basic nav­i­ga­tion guide for sailors. Nav­i­gat­ing a sail­boat is one of the most fun­da­men­tal and essen­tial skills that a sailor should pos­sess. It involves using tools, maps, and intu­ition to deter­mine the boat’s posi­tion, direc­tion, and des­ti­na­tion.  For new …

Basic Nav­i­ga­tion Guide for Sail­boats in the Unit­ed States: Nav­i­gate Your Way to Suc­cess! Read More »

Picking the Right Sailboat - A catamaran resting in a picturesque marina

Picking the Right Sailboat? Essential Factors to Consider: A Comprehensive Guide to Selecting the Right Boat for Your Next Adventure

Explore the World on Your Own Terms, if You Con­sid­er These Impor­tant Fac­tors When You First Com­mit to Pick­ing the “Just Right For You” Sail­boat! There’s noth­ing quite like the free­dom of set­ting sail on the open seas, with the wind in your hair and the world at your feet. Whether you’re a sea­soned sailor …

Pick­ing the Right Sail­boat? Essen­tial Fac­tors to Con­sid­er: A Com­pre­hen­sive Guide to Select­ing the Right Boat for Your Next Adven­ture Read More »

Sailboat anchored in San Diego's picturesque anchorage – Experience the benefits of living on a boat


Expe­ri­ence the free­dom, adven­ture, and seren­i­ty of life on the water. Dis­cov­er why sail­ing is not just a hob­by but a way of life. Do you feel trapped in the hus­tle and bus­tle of city life? Do you long for a sim­pler, more adven­tur­ous lifestyle? If so, then liv­ing on a boat may be just what …


The Girl In A Box

Girl in a Box: My Near-Death Experience in China

 Stand­ing at the gate, peer­ing out over a sea of dri­vers jostling one anoth­er like sharks in chummed water, I am at a loss. Leav­ing Chi­na was as impromp­tu a deci­sion as com­ing here in the first place. The dif­fer­ence is one month lat­er, I am now with­out a guide, attempt­ing the return jour­ney alone. …

Girl in a Box: My Near-Death Expe­ri­ence in Chi­na Read More »

Curry Carrot Soup _ To Sea or Not to See http://toseaornottosee.com

Curry Carrot Soup — To Sea or Not to See

Cur­ry Car­rot Soup A Lit­tle Back­ground First So, I am going through a major soup phase as I become more plant-based. Every­one’s rea­sons for tran­si­tion­ing away from meat are dif­fer­ent. My inten­tion on this plant-based jour­ney is get to know myself bet­ter, not to fit into a spe­cif­ic mold or type. I want to live …

Cur­ry Car­rot Soup — To Sea or Not to See Read More »

Quiz for Danger, Earthquakes! by Seymour Simon https://www.toseaornottosee.com

Danger! Earthquakes- Seymour Simon- Quiz

 Dan­ger! Earth­quakes Dan­ger! Earth­quakes is a short non-fic­­tion book by Sey­mour Simon. Stu­dents learn about the caus­es of earth­quakes, equip­ment used to mea­sure the earth­quakes, and what to do if you are ever in an earth­quake. Dan­ger! Earth­quakes was an anchor text for our 2nd graders. They enjoyed read­ing it and con­nect­ing it to “Earth …

Dan­ger! Earth­quakes- Sey­mour Simon- Quiz Read More »