
We are husband and wife sailors adventuring around the world in our 50 ft sailboat. We had loads of experience fixing and sailing boats until we found our dream boat, a 1986 Hudson Force 50. Want to know how to get started as newbie/want-to-be sailors, including engine and other system repairs, buying your first boat, or outfitting your boat. That's what we're here to help you with.

Main Idea and Details_ 2nd Grade https:/www.toseaornottosee.com

Mastering Main Idea and Details

Mas­ter­ing Main Idea and Details Stu­dents strug­gle to mas­ter main idea and details, but it helps to intro­duce the skill in a vari­ety of mean­ing­ful ways that includes chart­ing exist­ing texts and writ­ing their own. I have taught both ele­men­tary and high school stu­dents and I know their mas­tery of main idea and details does­n’t …

Mas­ter­ing Main Idea and Details Read More »

7 Day Self-Improvement Challenge https://www.toseaornottosee.com

7 Day Self-Improvement Challenge: Week 3

Week 3- Three Chal­lenges I can’t believe I am already on week 3 of the 7 Day Self-Improve­­ment Chal­lenge. Some­thing amaz­ing has hap­pened. I have con­nect­ed to what­ev­er you call that force (God, the Uni­verse, fate) that helps you on your path once you start walk­ing it. I can’t wait to share how cool this …

7 Day Self-Improve­ment Chal­lenge: Week 3 Read More »

Personalized Learning Case Study; Pokemon math integration https://toseaornottosee.com

Personalized Learning Part 2: Case Study Update

  Per­son­al­ized Learn­ing Part 2: Case Study Update My first day work­ing with this 2nd grade learn­ing dis­abled stu­dent, we’ll call John, I real­ized I would have to go back to the draw­ing board. I need­ed  to revise the per­son­al­ized learn­ing plan for math I had made for him. Some parts would have to be …

Per­son­al­ized Learn­ing Part 2: Case Study Update Read More »

Free Artists Reference Photos https://toseaornottosee.com

Free Artists Reference Photos: Puppies

Free Artists Ref­er­ence Pho­tos: Pup­pies (Sub­ject) Here are some adorable pup­py ref­er­ence pho­tos for you to use for your art­work. Please attribute my site at www.toseaornottosee.com Check out my lat­est draw­ing chal­lenge: 7 Dogs in 7 Days For the rest of the this year, I have com­mit­ted to a new 7 Day Chal­lenge every week. This …

Free Artists Ref­er­ence Pho­tos: Pup­pies Read More »

Personalized Learning Case Study; Pokemon math integration https://toseaornottosee.com

Personalized learning

Per­son­al­ized Learn­ing Per­son­al­ized Learn­ing: from a teacher’s per­spec­tive My def­i­n­i­tion of per­son­al­ized learn­ing means mak­ing sure you meet the stu­dent where she is on the edu­ca­tion con­tin­u­um and give her what she needs to be suc­cess­ful (to move fur­ther along the con­tin­u­um). What does per­son­al­ized learn­ing look like in a sec­ond grade math class­room? Students …

Per­son­al­ized learn­ing Read More »

Dog portraits https://toseaornottosee.com

Dog Portraits

Cus­tom hand-drawn dog por­traits by Elyza Rodriguez, artist and sailor, at To Sea or Not to See. Dog por­traits, pet por­traits, in memo­ri­am, cel­e­brate a dog hero. Con­tact me for more infor­ma­tion about order­ing a dog por­trait of your fur baby. Makes a great gift.

Eureka Math_ 2nd Grade Compensation in Subtraction http://toseaornottosee.com

Eureka Math Grade 2: Compensation in Subtraction

Eure­ka Math is Not Your Par­ents’ Math. It’s the scratch your head, not in my day, kind of math. I’d like to make it eas­i­er! This year, I am back in 2nd grade teach­ing an entire cur­ricu­lum after spend­ing the last five years as a high school Inten­sive Read­ing teacher. So, I was return­ing to my …

Eure­ka Math Grade 2: Com­pen­sa­tion in Sub­trac­tion Read More »