
Explor­ing Home­school Options with Lim­it­ed Inter­net Availability

Quiz for Danger, Earthquakes! by Seymour Simon

Danger! Earthquakes- Seymour Simon- Quiz

 Dan­ger! Earth­quakes Dan­ger! Earth­quakes is a short non-fic­­tion book by Sey­mour Simon. Stu­dents learn about the caus­es of earth­quakes, equip­ment used to mea­sure the earth­quakes, and what to do if you are ever in an earth­quake. Dan­ger! Earth­quakes was an anchor text for our 2nd graders. They enjoyed read­ing it and con­nect­ing it to “Earth …

Dan­ger! Earth­quakes- Sey­mour Simon- Quiz Read More »

Main Idea and Details_ 2nd Grade https:/

Mastering Main Idea and Details

Mas­ter­ing Main Idea and Details Stu­dents strug­gle to mas­ter main idea and details, but it helps to intro­duce the skill in a vari­ety of mean­ing­ful ways that includes chart­ing exist­ing texts and writ­ing their own. I have taught both ele­men­tary and high school stu­dents and I know their mas­tery of main idea and details does­n’t …

Mas­ter­ing Main Idea and Details Read More »

Eureka Math_ 2nd Grade Compensation in Subtraction

Eureka Math Grade 2: Compensation in Subtraction

Eure­ka Math is Not Your Par­ents’ Math. It’s the scratch your head, not in my day, kind of math. I’d like to make it eas­i­er! This year, I am back in 2nd grade teach­ing an entire cur­ricu­lum after spend­ing the last five years as a high school Inten­sive Read­ing teacher. So, I was return­ing to my …

Eure­ka Math Grade 2: Com­pen­sa­tion in Sub­trac­tion Read More »

The Top 5 Productivity Tips For Students by

The Top 5 Productivity Tips for Students

The Top 5 Pro­duc­tiv­i­ty Tips for Stu­dents Time man­age­ment can be tough at any age. But, how do we get our kids to start estab­lish­ing good pro­duc­tiv­i­ty habits? The good news is pro­duc­tiv­i­ty is a habit that can be cul­ti­vat­ed in in our chil­dren. Keep read­ing for the top 5 pro­duc­tiv­i­ty tips for stu­dents. This …

The Top 5 Pro­duc­tiv­i­ty Tips for Stu­dents Read More »

Homeschool Opportunities

Home­school Oppor­tu­ni­ties Home­school Co-ops I have dis­cov­ered, while research­ing home­school ideas that will work for my fam­i­ly, an idea called home­school co-ops, oppor­tu­ni­ties for fam­i­lies to sup­ple­ment their chil­dren’s stud­ies with gath­er­ings for play­dates, music lessons, field trips, etc. based on loca­tion, chil­dren’s ages, etc. One such site, Lake (Fl) Local Home­school Sup­port Groups, at,FL lists …

Home­school Oppor­tu­ni­ties Read More »