Creamy Potato Soup by To Sea or Not to See at

Creamy Potato Soup Recipe

My Creamy Potato Soup Recipe (with leeks, shrimp, and corn)

Final step of My Creamy Potato Soup

This creamy pota­to soup recipe is the best pota­to soup recipe I have ever made. My fam­i­ly is very finicky. If they could only eat meat, no veg­eta­bles, they would be very hap­py. On the oth­er hand, I would be okay with nev­er eat­ing meat. Find­ing the best way to sneak healthy ingre­di­ents past them, while main­tain­ing a bud­get has become a fun chal­lenge for me. I have also been try­ing to get them to eat more soup. Soups are fun, fla­vor­ful, quick and reheat nice­ly for a sec­ond meal. My creamy pota­to soup recipe is a take on the basic pota­to soup with a few amaz­ing changes. And the judges, my picky fam­i­ly, loved it!

Crafting the Recipe

Many of my recipes are spur-of-the-moment sci­ence exper­i­ments.Even when sit­ting down to a meal, my first thoughts are “how can I adapt this by tweak­ing the ingre­di­ents?” Often, when I walk into a store, I let the ingre­di­ents (or the sales) speak to me. On this par­tic­u­lar day, I knew I want­ed to make a soup. I walked into the pro­duce sec­tion and these beau­ti­ful leeks were call­ing out to me. And so began my creamy pota­to soup recipe.

It’s kind of like that chil­dren’s book whose name I can’t remem­ber. The leeks want­ed corn, and the corn want­ed shrimp, and the shrimp want­ed pars­ley, and my hus­band want­ed pota­toes. You get the idea!  As I walked the aisles gath­er­ing ingre­di­ents, the recipe took shape in my head. This would be the creami­est soup I could make with­out going over­board on rich­ness or calo­ries. So, although I used some but­ter and olive oil, milk replaced the cream in the recipe.

The Leek of Faith

Step 1 of My Creamy Potato Soup
Sautee leeks, onion, and garlic

The biggest hur­dle for me were the leeks. I stared at them for a few min­utes before watch­ing Youtube videos on how to pre­pare them. I sug­gest you do the same because they can have lots of dirt and grit in them and have to be thor­ough­ly washed. Of the two meth­ods I found, I pre­ferred cut­ting the tops, then clean­ing them to wait­ing to clean them until they were chopped up.

Let’s Get Old School

I want to warn you now, I rarely use recipes; rather, after so many decades of cook­ing, I judge the amounts of each ingre­di­ent I use. This creamy pota­to soup recipe is exact­ly the same. The ben­e­fit is you can eas­i­ly adapt a recipe to your taste as long as you add ingre­di­ents judi­cious­ly. With that caveat, here is my creamy pota­to soup recipe:


This made enough for two meals for a fam­i­ly of 4.


4 Medi­um Potatoes

3 Leeks

1/2 Large White Onion

4 Gar­lic Cloves

1/2 Bun­dle of Parsley


1 box of chick­en broth (no msg)

1 bag of frozen corn

*box of elbow noo­dles: for 2nd night add-in

1 bag of sharp ched­dar cheese

1/2 stick of butter

1 cup of milk

A cou­ple of tea­spoons of extra-vir­gin olive oil

(Option­al) Cayenne pepper


1 lb. of 100-count (small) shrimp

This is as close to actu­al amounts as I can get.


  1. After thin­ly slic­ing the leeks, the gar­lic, and the onion, I sautéed them until soft in my soup pot with the but­ter and olive oil.
  2. I added the cubed pota­toes (skin on), chick­en broth, and pars­ley and sim­mered until soft. (The soup at this point would have made a deli­cious veg­an soup if a veg­etable broth was sub­sti­tut­ed. I tast­ed it at each stage so I could have future mod­i­fied recipes.) 

    Step 2 of My Creamy Potato Soup
    Add pota­toes and broth
  3. While that was cook­ing, I defrost­ed and chopped the shrimp.
  4. Once the pota­toes were soft, I batch-blend­ed the soup with 1/4 cup of milk in each batch and returned to the pot. 

    Step 3 of My Creamy Potato Soup
    Blend the soup smooth
  5. At this point, I added the frozen corn and let the soup warm back up. 

    Step 4 of My Creamy Potato Soup
    Add corn, fol­lowed by the shrimp
  6. I added the shrimp once the soup was hot again and sim­mered it on very low for about 10 minutes.
  7. Once I put the soup in the bowls, I added the shred­ded sharp ched­dar cheese. If you mix the cheese in, it reminds me of eat­ing French Onion soup. 

    Step 5 of My Creamy Potato Soup
    Top with cheese. Voila!
  8. I also added cayenne pep­per to mine at the end.

Try it and send me a mes­sage. I’d love to know what you think of my take on Creamy Pota­to Soup. Check out my new recipe page. I am always updat­ing it.

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