Curry Carrot Soup

A Little Background FirstCurry Carrot Soup _ To Sea or Not to See

So, I am going through a major soup phase as I become more plant-based. Every­one’s rea­sons for tran­si­tion­ing away from meat are dif­fer­ent. My inten­tion on this plant-based jour­ney is get to know myself bet­ter, not to fit into a spe­cif­ic mold or type. I want to live life authen­ti­cal­ly, try new things, and decide what works best for me. I know that may look dif­fer­ent a year from now, just as it looks dif­fer­ent than last year when I start­ed this self-dis­cov­ery jour­ney. For now, I am explor­ing foods, which includes cre­at­ing recipes like this Cur­ry Car­rot Soup, and the Reese’s cup oat­meal that fol­lowed the soup for dessert (my take on one of my all-time favorite can­dy bars.)

It’s about Balance

What’s right for me is not nec­es­sar­i­ly what’s right for my fam­i­ly either. With that in mind, I still cook with cow’s milk or but­ter occa­sion­al­ly, and eat eggs every now and then. But, my jour­ney has noth­ing to do with oth­ers’ judg­ments, so some of my recipes may be strict­ly veg­an, or cre­at­ed for meat-eaters like my hus­band and chil­dren, or some­where in between.

The great thing about recipes is that they can be mod­i­fied to match what­ev­er jour­ney you are on. So, if you don’t like almond milk, like I used in my choco­late chia seed pud­ding, use some­thing else. The cook­ing police won’t bang down your door, I promise. 😉

My mot­to is do what’s right for you, fol­low your own path, and have fun doing it. Enjoy learn­ing about your­self and mak­ing mis­takes. Live life. Oh, and try my recipe. I’d love to hear what you think.

Necessity Is the Mother of Invention (My recipe)

This Cur­ry Car­rot Soup came about because I was crav­ing some­thing healthy and light, and I did­n’t have a lot of time. Nor­mal­ly, one ingre­di­ent will inspire the oth­ers. This recipe fol­lowed that same pat­tern. I start­ed with canned car­rots. I added two stalks of cel­ery (chopped) and some milk. I sim­mered until the cel­ery was soft, then blend­ed until smooth. 

I returned the blend­ed car­rot soup to the pot and added gar­lic pow­der, a dash of turmer­ic, some cur­ry pow­der to taste, and final­ly some hon­ey. (This is where inspi­ra­tion struck and the soup became “cur­ried.”)

As that was sim­mer­ing, I added mashed pota­to flakes for smooth­ness and  fla­vor until I had a con­sis­ten­cy I liked. (I’m let­ting the soup become what it wants. The pota­toes flakes weren’t part of the plan, either.)

The soup was a lit­tle slap-your-tongue spicy, but also robust and deli­cious. This Cur­ry Car­rot Soup is a great recipe for peo­ple who want some­thing healthy and fast, that won’t break the (calo­rie) bank. What I love is you end up feel­ing like a chef, even if you are a toast-burn­er. And for my sail­ing friends, here is anoth­er use for those sta­ples that don’t go bad while you’re at sea. Plus, you could eas­i­ly sub­sti­tute the milk with pow­dered milk and cel­ery seeds for the celery.

Ingredients for the Curry Carrot Soup (recipe above)

  1. A can of carrots
  2. 2 Stalks of cel­ery (washed well and sliced thinly.
  3. 1 — 2 cups of milk
  4. 1 ‑2 tea­spoons of cur­ry pow­der and gar­lic powder
  5.  A dash of turmeric
  6. 1/2 cup or so of mashed pota­to flakes (I cook by feel, not exact num­bers, so I’m doing my best, but you might have to adjust up or down)
  7. 2 Table­spoons of honey

Check out my oth­er recipes here. What’s for dinner?

Here’s anoth­er soup recipe if you like soup as much as I do! 🙂



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