One of My Favorite Easy Smoothie Recipes

Favorite Easy Smoothie Recipes

With win­ter weath­er rolling in, my thoughts turn to trop­i­cal beach­es and the warm sun kiss­ing my skin. I remem­ber fond­ly cre­at­ing healthy, light sum­mer fare in between catch­ing the waves, loung­ing on the beach, and stargaz­ing after the mos­qui­toes have gone to bed. This recipe I cre­at­ed is one of my favorite easy smooth­ie recipes of all time!  Try it and let me know what you think.

I was lit­er­al­ly obsessed with smooth­ies last sum­mer. Usu­al­ly two out of three meals were smooth­ies. As you can imag­ine, it was hard keep­ing enough ice in the freez­er when every­one joined me in enjoy­ing this fab­u­lous, healthy meals. Out of neces­si­ty, I dis­cov­ered my new favorite way of mak­ing smooth­ies. The trick is to freeze the fruit first.

Freez­ing the bananas and straw­ber­ries before using them gives your smooth­ie the con­sis­ten­cy of ice cream. Ice dilutes the fla­vor and lim­its the amount of fruit you can fit in your blender. Just make sure to peel the bananas and cut off the straw­ber­ry stems before freez­ing them.

One of my smooth­ie exper­i­ments became one of my favorite easy smooth­ie recipes of all times, my go-to smooth­ie recipe for an ener­gy boost.

Kiwi is full of vit­a­min C. When you are lack­ing vit­a­min C, you feel fatigued. In this smooth­ie, the tart kiwi bal­ances the sweet fla­vor of the banana.

Although you might not think of bananas when you need fix of Vit­a­min C, not only do they con­tain this vit­a­min, but they are also a great source of potas­si­um. A potas­si­um defi­cien­cy can also leave you feel­ing fatigued and weak, accord­ing to Med­ical News Today. Bananas are a great base to any smooth­ie. They give the drink the essen­tial “smooth” tex­ture, espe­cial­ly if you freeze them first!

Straw­ber­ries are a vit­a­min pow­er­house. They con­tain vit­a­min C, potas­si­um, man­ganese and are heart-smart. Check out this straw­ber­ry sal­ad from Web MD. In this smooth­ie, the straw­ber­ries add a light trop­i­cal sweetness.

When I think of trop­i­cal islands, man­gos instant­ly spring to mind. This immune sys­tem boost­er con­tains dou­ble your Dai­ly Val­ue of vit­a­min C, as well as a healthy dose of vit­a­min A and potas­si­um. Man­gos add creami­ness to this amaz­ing trop­i­cal smoothie.

Although addi­tion­al sweet­en­ers are not nec­es­sary if the bananas were frozen after ripen­ing, I like to add hon­ey for its antiox­i­dant prop­er­ties and the way it enhances the oth­er fla­vors. Just make sure to blend it with the non-frozen ingre­di­ents since cold hon­ey does­n’t blend well.

Final­ly, add your favorite milk.

Here is how to make one of my favorite easy smooth­ie recipes:

The Best Tropical Energy Smoothie


  • 1 Frozen Ripe Banana
  • 2 Large Frozen Strawberries
  • 1 Peeled Kiwi
  • 1/4 of a Mango
  • 2 Table­spoons of Honey
  • 1/4 Cup of Milk

Blend ingre­di­ents togeth­er and enjoy. 

*If you want to make sure the hon­ey blends well, blend the unfrozen ingre­di­ents first.

**You could also add vanil­la extract for anoth­er lay­er of trop­i­cal flavor.

What’s your favorite easy smooth­ie recipes?

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