
s in my genre. While the title doesn't indicate where the story takes place, the cover image does. Overall, I am very pleased. How about you? Did you know the title you would use before starting your novel? What research did you do on the hunt for the perfect title? Now that your book is published, are you still happy with your choice? Join the conversation. I'd love to hear from you! As always, fair winds and following seas! -Elyza

What’s in a Name? Finding the Perfect Novel Name

Nam­ing Your Nov­el Nam­ing a nov­el should not be more dif­fi­cult than nam­ing your baby. How­ev­er, find­ing the per­fect nov­el name has caused me many sleep­less nights and more anx­i­ety than nam­ing my chil­dren. Should I name the nov­el after my main char­ac­ter? Or maybe one of the loca­tions in the nov­el. I have fol­lowed the …

What’s in a Name? Find­ing the Per­fect Nov­el Name Read More »

Free Sailing Downloads

Planning Our First Sailing Trip as Newbies

We bought a boat! Then, we bought anoth­er one. Very unortho­dox, right? So, we have two thir­­ty-six foot sail­boats and zero sail­ing expe­ri­ence. Not bad for sail­ing new­bies! We’ve got­ten over the first hur­dle (buy­ing a boat) twice. Our first sail­boat, a ketch-rigged Allied Princess needs bot­tom paint, a motor, and a new stuff­ing box. …

Plan­ning Our First Sail­ing Trip as New­bies Read More »

The Top 5 Productivity Tips For Students by

The Top 5 Productivity Tips for Students

The Top 5 Pro­duc­tiv­i­ty Tips for Stu­dents Time man­age­ment can be tough at any age. But, how do we get our kids to start estab­lish­ing good pro­duc­tiv­i­ty habits? The good news is pro­duc­tiv­i­ty is a habit that can be cul­ti­vat­ed in in our chil­dren. Keep read­ing for the top 5 pro­duc­tiv­i­ty tips for stu­dents. This …

The Top 5 Pro­duc­tiv­i­ty Tips for Stu­dents Read More »

Homeschool Opportunities

Home­school Oppor­tu­ni­ties Home­school Co-ops I have dis­cov­ered, while research­ing home­school ideas that will work for my fam­i­ly, an idea called home­school co-ops, oppor­tu­ni­ties for fam­i­lies to sup­ple­ment their chil­dren’s stud­ies with gath­er­ings for play­dates, music lessons, field trips, etc. based on loca­tion, chil­dren’s ages, etc. One such site, Lake (Fl) Local Home­school Sup­port Groups, at,FL lists …

Home­school Oppor­tu­ni­ties Read More »

A Journey of a Thousand Steps

A Journey of a Thousand Miles

A Jour­ney of a Thou­sand Miles Begins Now!   Accord­ing to Lao Tzu, “A jour­ney of a thou­sand miles begins with one step.”  Well, we have been in a hold­ing pat­tern wait­ing for that first step- get­ting our sail­boat on the hard. For over a month, the promise of next Tues­day has kept us hold­ing our breath …

A Jour­ney of a Thou­sand Miles Read More »

Sailing in Florida on Gulf Coast Making Jump: Liveaboard Sailing Lifestyle

Liveaboard Sailing Lifestyle: Where to Begin

Live­aboard Sail­ing- Let the jour­ney begin! Where do you start when your goal becomes mak­ing the jump to the live­aboard sail­boat lifestyle?  For us, it began when we first heard the call of the sea. We decid­ed there is no oth­er place on earth we would rather be than cra­dled in the waves of the ocean. …

Live­aboard Sail­ing Lifestyle: Where to Begin Read More »

Daytona Beach waves

List of the 3 Best Florida Beaches

The 3 Best Flori­da Beach­es Liv­ing in Flori­da affords you an oppor­tu­ni­ty to expe­ri­ence a range of beach­es. Some might argue that once you’ve seen one Flori­da beach, you’ve seen them all. I strong­ly dis­agree! Orig­i­nal­ly, I am from New Jer­sey, so the only beach I expe­ri­enced grow­ing up was in Atlantic City. The lights of …

List of the 3 Best Flori­da Beach­es Read More »