Elyza Rodriguez, Author Posts

What’s bet­ter than curl­ing up with a good book? I plan on spend­ing those long days at see catch­ing up with new and old favorites. Check out my lat­est book reviews.

I will also be writ­ing my next Young Adult dystopi­an nov­el. I’d love to connect!


Going under a bridge, To Sea or Not To See

Our First Solo Sail

Our First Solo Sail Our first solo sail hap­pened to also be our first sail. It hap­pened before we were …
s in my genre. While the title doesn't indicate where the story takes place, the cover image does. Overall, I am very pleased. How about you? Did you know the title you would use before starting your novel? What research did you do on the hunt for the perfect title? Now that your book is published, are you still happy with your choice? Join the conversation. I'd love to hear from you! As always, fair winds and following seas! -Elyza

What’s in a Name? Finding the Perfect Novel Name

Nam­ing Your Nov­el Nam­ing a nov­el should not be more dif­fi­cult than nam­ing your baby. How­ev­er, find­ing the per­fect nov­el …

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