s in my genre. While the title doesn't indicate where the story takes place, the cover image does. Overall, I am very pleased. How about you? Did you know the title you would use before starting your novel? What research did you do on the hunt for the perfect title? Now that your book is published, are you still happy with your choice? Join the conversation. I'd love to hear from you! As always, fair winds and following seas! -Elyza

What’s in a Name? Finding the Perfect Novel Name

Nam­ing Your Nov­el Nam­ing a nov­el should not be more dif­fi­cult than nam­ing your baby. How­ev­er, find­ing the per­fect nov­el name has caused me many sleep­less nights and more anx­i­ety than nam­ing my chil­dren. Should I name the nov­el after my main char­ac­ter? Or maybe one of the loca­tions in the nov­el. I have fol­lowed the …

What’s in a Name? Find­ing the Per­fect Nov­el Name Read More »